Our Partners | Camberwell, Canterbury & Glen Iris
Buying a home isn't just about finance. So, we have listed some of the businesses we trust in the Camberwell & Canterbury area to provide you with some of the other services that you'll need.

Live Well Financial Planning
Financial planning isn’t about how much you earn. It’s about you. Our partners at Live Well Financial Planning put together simple, but strategic financial plans for Aussies who want the freedom to choose how they live, now and in the future. They offer a complimentary first appointment with their team.
Ph: 0403 189 798 | Email: david.taylor@livewellfinancialplanning.com.au

Property Home Base
Julie DeBondt-Barker is the creator and founder of Property Home Base. They specialise in saving first time home buyers, upsizers and investors time and money when purchasing their dream property. Unlike many buyers advocates, they don't charge a percentage of your purchasing price; they see that as a conflict of interest. They charges a low flat fee for all of their buyer agent services.
Ph 1300 882 842 | Email info@propertyhomebase.com.au

Warner Conveyancing & Legal
Tamara and her team work together with estate agents, ensuring fairness for both purchaser and vendor clients. Offering exceptional legal and conveyancing services in a timely manner to minimise the pressures experienced by you in selling a property or buying a property. We are even available on weekends.
Phone | 0414 999 220 | Email tamara@

Blue Wealth Property
Blue Wealth's mission is to help Australians create wealth through property. To do this Blue Wealth hold regular educational seminars designed to teach people how to create wealth and security in their lives through investing in property.
Ph: (02) 9743 0077 | Email: enquiries@bluewealth.com.au

Charles Bros Building Contractors
Charles Bros has over 25 years of industry experience and is founded on the family tradition of delivering exceptionally reliable, professional and high-quality construction and maintenance work. The team have delivered a portfolio of projects across Melbourne from new builds to renovations, commercial sites and maintenance (including our Mortgage Choice office in Canterbury).
Our customers love this team, and they are currently starring as builders on The Block in both 2019 and 2020 seasons. Find out more about Charles Bros:
Ph: 0405 147 438 | Email: info@charlesbros.com.au | facebook.com/charlesbrothersbc/

Montmorency Football & Netball Club
Mortgage Choice Camberwell have been proud supporters of the Montmorency Football & Netball Club since 2015. Geoff Pyers and Kelly are both committee members and have been cheering their sons and team members on for many years.

Eltham North Redbacks Football Club
Mortgage Choice Camberwell are proud to be supporting the Eltham Redbacks Football Club. They are the largest football club in Victoria with over 900 players. You will often see Michael Wren & Meg barracking from the side lines.