Preferred Referral Partners
Apart from your finance requirements, every property transaction, whether for owner-occupied or investment purposes, needs the co-operation of a range of inter-related professionals. Over the years, we have worked with a wide range of businesses, and in our view, the following are the 'best of the best'.

Rin Fernando - Times Lawyers
A Sunnybank law firm which believes that skills without love is nothing. We therefore care about each of our client and demonstrate that lawyers can build a real relationship with our clients.
Professional legal skill is the foundation. But communication and passion are the bridges which take us towards our vision to real success. We fight for you, and we care for you.
Rin Fernando
Email :
Phone: 07 3493 5693
Address: Suite 110, level 1 Times Square, 250 McCullough Street, Sunnybank QLD 4109