Mortgage Choice
Jonathan Lee

Businesses you'll love

Mortgage Choice in Wiliamstown are proud to recommend the following trusted partners and local community projects we love and support throughout Williamstown, Yarraville, Seddon and beyond. If you have any questions about our partners, projects or home loan process contact us today.

Proactiv PM

Proactiv PM

Established in 2007, Proactiv Property Management is a boutique firm revolutionizing property management with a proactive approach.

Founded in response to industry shortcomings, Proactiv Property Management's tricycle model addresses Property, Landlord, and Tenant management, ensuring a well-balanced and personalized service that emphasizes ownership, commitment, and personal growth. 

Proactiv services all metropolitan areas in Victoria.

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Dixon & Sanders Lawyers

Dixon & Sanders Lawyers

Dixon & Sanders has extensive experience dealing with all of aspects of conveyancing transactions from apartments and residential housing to multimillion dollar commercial properties. 

CEO and Principal Lynda Sanders has worked in a wide variety of legal settings as an in-house leasing solicitor for the Sussan Group (a major Australian retailer) as well as in private practice with the mid-tier firm Herbert Geer and boutique firms such as Marshalls & Dent and Schetzer Constantinou Lawyers.

With extensive property and commercial law experience, you can be assured that Dixon & Sanders can assist with all of their property and business law needs.

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Kerry Ang - My private wealth

Kerry Ang - My private wealth

My Private Wealth was established to provide clients with high quality personalised advice.

Managing Director Kerry Ang is a career adviser with over 15 years of experience in the financial planning industry including but not limited to retirement planning, accumulation strategies, superannumation and holistic advice. 

Whether young or apporaching retirement, contact My Private Wealth today to find out how you can benefit from tailor strategic solutions to realise your personal financial goals for today and tomorrow.

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Orange Sky Australia

Orange Sky Australia

Orange Sky Australia is the world’s first free mobile laundry service for people experiencing homeless. 

The services launced in Melbourne 2015 and has since expanded to 20 services across Australia and generates over six tonnes of laundry every week. 

Orange Sky faciliates a laundry service at the Williamstown Church of Christ at 119 Douglas Parade from 11am-1pm to coincide with Helping Hands Cafe’s free meal program.

Want to voluenteer? Get in touch with Orange Sky or Helping Hands Cafe via their Facebook page here

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